Browse Exhibits (2 total)

The Art of Religious Corruption

St. Catherine of Siena besieged by Demons- Artist Unknown

Religion and art interwine, one rarely exists with out some form of the other.  In it's early stages, art would be used as a way to teach and inspire religious awe. Churches served as both religious and political authorities, tasked with prioritizing the pursuit of God and spiritual salvation above all else. As populations grow, and power and wealth become more alluring so does the corruption of the church. Where there is corruption, there is resistance. Artists across centuries have used their skills to voice their disgust and displeasure of the actions of those who claim to act with God's interest. 

This exhibit includes images of nudity and images that may be offensive to some audiences but that are important in the conversation of art and church corruption. These images are specifically included in the Art on the Streets page

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Heavenly Pigments: Public Art and the Evolution of Salvation

enrico scovegni.jpg

Welcome to my exhibit!

Throughout time, art has been used to convey aspects of the human experience and influence the way they interact with the world; from the prehistoric paintings of life found on the walls of French caves to the transformative pieces of art that become symbols of resistance and solidarity during times of violence, art has had a profound impact in shaping human consciousness. Oftentimes the art surrounding a civilization echoes the attitudes towards social factors, such as religion, and this sentiment was heavily seen in the centuries before the High Renaissance, when Early Renaissance painters like Giotto and Medieval writers like Dante and Boccacio were creating their most iconic works. This same sentiment can be seen in the modern era, although its parameters have shifted slightly to fit the attitudes of this day and age.

This exhibit will trace that evolution of salvation through art found in public spaces of various time periods, examining how the concept of salvation echoed the social sentiments of the time and how this concept could be applied to modern times, where public art is used to express salvation for not only oneself, but for systems and people beyond just the self.

Hope you enjoy!
